Minimizing the non-renewable natural resource consumption from the manufacturing process, E.C.A. enables water-saving up to 70 percent with its’ wide product range with time-adjusted and thermostatic faucets coming at the first place.

Designing its’ products at minimum sizes for the raw-material sustainability, E.C.A. makes it possible to save on water up to 70 percent with this and elaborates to leave a habitable earth for future generations. The brand embraces water-saving as a standard practice with its’ wide product range and aims for sustainability, and develops Technologies which prevents excess consumption of water.
Adding value to the future, the electronic faucets with next-generation products, enables to make maximum saving with minimum flow at minimum temperature. Ensuring hygiene especially in common use areas, the photoelectric faucets makes it possible for thousands of tons of water to be saved in a year with automatic opening and closing at the same time. In addition to this, the time-adjusted faucets flows only for the specified time, prevents excess consumption of water and the thermostatic faucets prevents the excess water flowing during the time passing until it’s reached to the desired temperature and helps to protect the natural resources. The special heat and flow adjusted ceramic cartridges of the fixtures balances the water amount and temperature and the mix faucets which enable way much more water-saving than a standard sink faucet, offers a benefit to their users with their eco-friendly concept.
Taking steps intended for preserving water-saving also in other work processes alongside its’ products, E.C.A. produces the packings at smaller sizes by using more recycled materials with its’ innovation studies. This way, an average of 4 thousand 500 trees are continuing to emit oxygen in a year and enables eco-friendly transportation with less CO2 emission.