M. Berrin Kayman's sculpture exhibition titled "By Twiddling III" was viewed at Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University Faculty of Fine Arts NFK Exhibition Hall. The exhibition included the artist's works in which she criticized the changes in natural life caused by global warming and its irreparable effects on humanity.
M. Berrin Kayman, a graduate of Anadolu University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Ceramics Department, produces metal sculptures as well as ceramics. In her last exhibition titled "By Twiddling III", the artist included sculptures she created using porcelain clay, potter's clay and metal.
Ecological problems lie behind the works where geometric shapes and triangular pieces come together to create various light and shadow effects. Defining the theme of the exhibition as "The effects of the climate crisis, a personal analysis of the structural analysis within the nature-human and animal trilogy", the artist criticizes the irreparable effects of global warming on natural life and humanity and expresses this discourse by building her works on "balance”. The sculptures she shaped by blending them with the concepts of eternity and time are pieces that can create new ways of seeing with the interaction of the viewers' own emotional expressions with different stances and perspectives. In Kayman's own words, "The balances that nature keeps within itself are the balances that belong to life. The human being who disrupts this balance is a being that is always open to change. However, he is not aware that he has changed or is changing. The exhibited works change in different angles, lights and movements, just like humans, but they never lose their balance of continuity”.