Organized by Anadolu University Faculty of Fine Arts Glass Department, the "Camgeran2022 International Glass Symposium" is held between 24-27 October at Yunus Emre Campus, Glass Department Studios and Fine Arts Faculty Conference Hall.
The United Nations, together with the International Glass Commission (ICG), the Society of Glass Societies (CGA), and the International Glass Museums and Association (ICOM), declared 2022 the World Year of Glass. Anadolu University Faculty of Fine Arts Glass Department also hosts institutions, academicians, researchers, artists, designers and sector representatives providing education in this field at the "Camgeran2022 International Glass Symposium" organized on October 24-27.
The Glass Department, the first and only department established as an independent department within the Faculties of Fine Arts in Turkey, has been the stakeholder of many organizations held in the field of glass in our country since 2004. It will host the presentations and workshops of invited artists, designers, academics and industry representatives from Poland, Czechia, Bulgaria, the USA, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal and Turkey in this symposium, which spanned four days. All events to be held within the scope of the symposium will be open to participants free of charge.
Organizing Committee of the Symposium consists of Prof. Mustafa Agatekin (Chairman), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selvin Yesilay, Dr. Faculty Member Goktug Gunkaya and Dr. Faculty Member Mehmet Aydın.