One of the most popular professors in the ceramics community and passed away last year, Prof. Dr. Ates Arcasoy's students commemorated their teacher with an exhibition held in Bursa. The exhibition titled "Children of Ates (Fire) Once Upon A Time" was viewed at Nilufer Municipality Gallery N between 22-30 November.
Hasan Baskirkan, Fatma Batukan Belge, Nihal Sarioglu, Aysegul Turedi Ozen, Zuhal Bilginalp, Ayse Gocer.
In the exhibition titled "Children of Ates (Fire) Once Upon A Time", curated by Huri Aykut Ulker, ceramic artists whose educations were contributed by Ates Arcasoy, commemorated their teacher by taking part in one of their works. The exhibition at Nilufer Municipality Gallery N opened on Arcasoy's birthday, November 22. The guests of honor of the exhibition at the opening were Prof. Ates Arcasoy's partner Ayse Gocer, his students Prof. Hasan Baskirkan and Dr. Fatma Batukan Belge gave a speech about Arcasoy.
Marmara Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Seramik ve Cam Bölümü’nde Ateş Arcasoy’un öğrencisi olan serginin küratörü Huri Aykut Ülker, “Tanıyan herkesin çok sevdiği, renkli bir kişiliğe sahip olan Arcasoy; beyefendi kişiliği, zarafeti ile insan sıfatını hak eden bir üstattı. Çok sevgili hocamızı doğum gününde ölümsüzleştirmek istedik. Hepimizde insan olarak, öğretmen olarak büyük izler bırakmış birisi. Sergiyi görseydi hepimizle gurur duyardı” dedi.
Dicle Oney (above left) Sercan Filiz (top middle) Seda Sag (above right) Fatma Batukan Belge (in the middle) M. Candan Gungor (middle right) Zuhal Bilginalp (below left) Nurgin Cetin (below right)
The curator of the exhibition, Huri Aykut Ulker, who is a student of Ates Arcasoy at Marmara University Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Ceramics and Glass, said: “Arcasoy, who has a colorful personality and is loved by everyone who knows him; he was a master who deserved to be called a human being with his gentlemanly personality and elegance. We wanted to immortalize our beloved teacher on his birthday. He is someone who left a great mark on all of us, both as a human being and as a teacher. If he had seen the exhibition, he would have been proud of all of us."
While Ayse Gocer expressed her longing for Ates Arcasoy, one of hir former students, Fatma Batukan Belge said, “He was aware of how strong the bond between art, design and technology was and tried to make us adopt this. He was a teacher who always encouraged and supported us, his students. Even when we were just first-year students, he made us want to open a workshop or continue as an academic.”
Prof. Hasan Baskirkan, who wrote the new edition of the Ceramic Technology book, which has been a reference source in the ceramics world for 40 years, together with Arcasoy, also mentioned in his speech how meticulous a teacher Arcasoy was.
This exhibition titled "Children of Fire" featured works of 50 artists in different techniques. Curator Huri Aykut Ulker stated that they will make the exhibition traditional and that they want to continue it every year, and said, "As Children of Ates, we are planning an award statuette competition and exhibition within the scope of the International Ceramics Biennial Bursa in 2024.”