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Between 5-7 November 2024, "6. Ceramic Art Education Conference" will be held in Kutahya, hosted by Dumlupinar University, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Ceramics with the contributions of Ceramic Art Education and Exchange Association (SSEDD).

The main goal of the conference is to look at the developing world, changing art and art education and its practices from the perspective of ceramic education and art, to discuss the problems of ceramic education and art and the needs in ceramic art education together with academics working in institutions that provide ceramic education at associate, undergraduate and graduate levels in Turkiye, to evaluate innovations, share experiences and develop cooperation opportunities, and also to draw attention to Kutahya tile making.

The topics of the 6th Ceramic Art Education Conference this year are; Ceramics Education and Sector Relationship, understanding traditional Kutahya tile making and drawing attention to it, Kutahya Tile Making and Ceramic Education in Turkiye.

Within the scope of the conference, The Graduation Projects Exhibition, consisting of the graduation projects of the 2023-2024 period graduate students of the Ceramics Department of the Fine Arts faculties of Konya Selçuk, Çukurova, Malatya Inonu, Dumlupınar, Mimar Sinan Guzel Sanatlar, Marmara, Hacettepe, Anadolu, Akdeniz, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart, Sakarya, Kocaeli, Cankırı Karatekin, Bolu Izzet Baysal, Dokuz Eylul, Nevsehir, Samsun Ondokuzmayıs, Kastomunu, Usak, Sakarya, Mersin universities, the "Glass" themed ceramic exhibition of SSEDD members, and an exhibition consisting of the works of tile artists living in Kutahya, will be held. In addition, workshops, conferences, and trips to Aizonai and tile masters' workshops will be held by invited artists and academicians.


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